Branding ✦ UI Design ✦ UX Design
Linc is an AI-driven social media dating app that empowers you to communicate with confidence and charisma.
In 1997, the first social media was released: Bolt. Social media was built to connect humans with their friends and families. Fast forward almost three decades, society is more anti-social than ever. One third of people communicate less with their parents, partners, children, and friends because they already follow them on social media. If you take a look at Gen Z, there is a common theme of antisocial behaviors, low self-confidence, and poor conversation skills.
Literature Review
In the beginning stages of a project, a literature review is necessary to gather research on the topic. Research topics included:
Online dating
Dating app stats
What people are looking for
Future of dating
Features users wish for
Virtual dating considerations
UX research for dating apps
Gen Z & dating apps
Dating in VR
Online dating algorithms
Competitor Analysis
In continuing the discovery phase, it was time to see whats out there. Our competitors are Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, Snack, and Schmooze. Defining their features, mission statements, algorithms, and more helped to understand grey areas and set a starting point to define how Linc was going to stand out in a sea of sameness.
We created a survey on Qualtrics to source thoughts, feelings, opinions, and experiences of users on our own. 100% of survey respondents feel unsatisfied with dating apps. 73% of respondents want to go on more dates, but don’t, because they are anxious and/or feel uncomfortable.
User Personas
The next step was to create user personas based on information drawn from literature reviews and surveys. Utilizing the design thinking process, personas helps empathize with users and design for them throughout the development of a product.
Virtual communication on both social media and dating apps are successful, but there is an absence of human connection. It can be easy to forget we live in the physical realm, not the digital one. Instead of hiding behind screens, we need to utilize technology and social media for their intended purpose: to make our lives easier, and bring us together.
How it Works?
Since Gen Z is already comfortable with the social media platform, why not make a dating app based on this concept? Traditionally, dating apps are gamified. Linc breaks this norm, as dating should not be a game. Linc is an AI-driven social media dating app— think Instagram meets Hinge. Users post thoughts, images, stories, etc. while finding people of interest. Our use of AI is what makes us different.
Two users go on a date and their phones fall in the same radius, AI activates and starts listening to conversation. Once their phones leave the same area, listening halts and conversation analysis begins. Based on the results, users are gently prompted with suggested trainings to sharpen their interpersonal skills.
ChatGPT is integrated in direct messaging. Linc encourages users to imagine it as a built in bestie: ask for advice, icebreakers, etc. AI provides suggestions based on location services and background data tracking.
Events hosted at local bars to encourage singles to socialize in group settings and get out of their comfort zone.
Customization capabilities where users define the color theme of their app interface.
Competitor Analysis
Post ideation phase, another round of competitor analyses was imperative for branding. Again, this determined where Linc should fall in the midst of our competitors, and launched us in the branding process.
Brand Personality Exercise
To ensure we are designing for the correct audience’s attention, we needed to define our story: what makes us unique and distinctive from our competitors. Originally, I drew 100 words from a list of adjectives. Of those worse, I separated them into four categories. Of those four categories, I selected one word from each as a core brand trait.
Our brand is: sociable, playful, logical, and innovative.
Mood board
When it came to style, these same attributes needed to be conveyed to draw in our target audience and effectively communicate visually what Linc is.
Final Brand Identity
Drawing core assets from the moodboard such as bold type, vibrant colors, and a funky personality was vital when developing the Linc brand identity. Linc is defined by saturated color, confident typography, and youthful design.
User Flow
Post exploration and ideation phase, it was time to think through app functionality. Flows diagram the path and tasks users will take through their time on the app.
Site Map
To continue designing for our users, site maps plan the structure of the application and map out the interactions between each page, creating an organized plan for users.
User Journey
A user journey created a visual representation of steps a user will take and how they will feel throughout their experience on the app. This really helps designing with empathy and defining moments of frustration and delight from A to Z.
Crazy 8 & Wireframes
Initial app designs began with the crazy 8 exercise: a rapid sketching exercise challenging designers to sketch 8 different ideas in 8 minutes. Crazy 8s turned into wireframe sketches, which turned into low-fidelity and high-fidelity wireframes. Once high-fidelity wireframes were complete, it was time to perfect the experience and infrastructure of the app before visuals were thrown in the mix.
Final Designs
The final app consists of a homepage, direct message, suggested trainings, and upcoming events, and more. The navigation bar has access to home, activity, new post, matches & direct messaging, and profile.
Consider our homepage a hybrid of Twitter, Instagram, and Headspace. Users can view their following’s posts, suggested trainings, and upcoming events.
Direct Messaging
When starting a chat with someone new, a callout prompts the user to kickstart the convo by trying our special features
Our built in chatbot helps encourages users to communicate confidently with their matches
Your profile has two primary interfaces: posts & trainings. Users are provided with suggested trainings based on AI conversation analysis from previous dates.
View Profiles
When viewing another users profile, we can view their posts to get a feel for who they truly are. Trainings remain not visible for privacy concerns.
Creative Direction: Soonduk Krebs & Abby Guido
Design: Lexi Birzes
Duration: 15 weeks
Institution: Tyler School of Art & Architecture