
UI Design ✦ UX Design


A personalized mobile and watch app duo designed to produce a stress management plan tailored to a user’s daily needs.



Anxiety and stress disorders are amongst the most common health complications affecting 77% of Americans. Unfortunately, for about half of Americans, levels of stress are getting worse instead of better. 80% of people feel stress at work. It is estimated that employers spend $300 billion every year on healthcare and lost work days linked to stress.


Literature Review

The American Institute of Stress statistics found 77% of people experience stress that affects their physical health, and 37% of people experience stress that impacts their mental health. The most common reported symptoms of stress include irritability and anger, low energy, lack of motivation, anxiety, headaches, depression, indigestion, muscle tension and appetite changes. Long term stress is a leading cause of death in the United States linked to heart disease, lung disease, cancer, accidents, cirrhosis of liver, and suicide.

Surveys & Interviews

Each round of surveys and interviews provided an opportunity to reevaluate and define the problem & solution based on users' needs. The first phase consisted of survey I, resulting in a solution surrounding gym anxiety. Phase two was survey II and interviews. After a research analysis, a concept was narrowed into stress management.

User Persona

Developing user personas set a guide for the design process ensuring I carry out human-centered design decisions with research-based evidence throughout the design process.



After gathering formative and primary research, analyzing user test results, and taking my own experiences into consideration, I was finally ready to brew up a solution to this stress epidemic. Most treatments for stress reduction focus on identifying signs of stress, sleep and exercise, practicing relaxation skills, setting goals, and spending time with people you love. There is a common theme here: self-awareness and self-discipline. Strengthening mental resilience by setting and tackling tiny, achievable goals has been proven to help people live a happier and longer life.

Volumes is a personalized mobile and watch app duo designed to produce a stress management plan tailored to the users daily needs. The watch app picks up on and calculates a user’s daily input (mental and physical health strain) to produce an output and provide suggestions for exactly what you need to maintain a healthy mind and body.



Color Research played a vital role in branding for Volumes. Research-informed design decisions are vital to drawing in our target audience and executing an effective brand identity.

Green = harmony, balance, growth
White = positivity, cleanliness
Blue = calm, peace, stability
Black = sophistication, formality

App Experience


To kick off the UI design process, I began making lists and sketching to determine what this is going to look like. Once the screens were established on paper, I brought them into Figma creating low and high fidelity wireframes.

Once planning was complete, I began applying Volumes branding and worked on the UI. The final app consists of a home hub where the user has access to three main pages: current day overview, physical stats, and mental stats. On each page, the user has immediate access to suggestions based on their daily input.

Creative Direction: Courtney Spencer
Design: Lexi Birzes
Duration: One semester (15 weeks)
Institution: Tyler School of Art & Architecture